LHX2 is necessary and sufficient to regulate molecular subtype identity. A, B, Electroporation of control GFP (A) or LHX2-GFP (B) at E12.5 and examination at P5 reveal GFP-expressing cells in the region of electroporation, overlapping with CTIP2-expressing layer 5 cells. Individual high-magnification confocal images of GFP, CTIP2, SATB2, and the corresponding merged images of GFP/CTIP2 and GFP/SATB2 are shown alongside the low-magnification GFP/CTIP2 image. C, Diagram illustrating in utero electroporation at E12.5, and examination of brain sections at P5. D, The percentage of electroporated (GFP-expressing) cells that also express CTIP2 or SATB2 reveals a striking decrease in CTIP2-expressing cells and an increase in SATB2-expressing cells upon electroporation of LHX2-GFP. E, A gradient of Lhx2 expression is seen in a series of sagittal sections at E12.5. Scale bars: A, B, 500 μm (low-magnification images), 50 μm (high-magnification images); E, 500 μm. Error bars indicate SEM. **p < 0.001.