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. 2016 Dec 10;5:e20533. doi: 10.7554/eLife.20533

Figure 4. Depleting topoisomerase I causes lethal DNA damage in G2-M.

(A) Depleting Top1 in rnh1∆ rnh201∆ cells shows similar onset of Rad52-GFP at the S/G2-M border. Cultures of rnh1∆ rnh201∆ TOP1-AID cells were arrested in G1 using alpha factor, treated with auxin for 2 hr, then released into media containing nocodazole and auxin. Samples were taken at 15 min intervals and 300 cells per time point were scored for Rad52-GFP foci. (B) Depleting Top1 in rnh1∆ rnh201∆ cells after completion of S-phase causes accumulation of Rad52-GFP foci. Cultures of rnh1∆ rnh201∆ TOP1-AID cells were released from alpha factor into nocodazole. Once cells had completed S-phase, auxin was added. Samples were taken at 30 min intervals and 300 cells per time point were scored for Rad52-GFP foci. (C) Cultures of rnh1∆ rnh201∆ TOP1-AID cells were allowed to divide asynchronously, arrested in S-phase using hydroxyurea, or arrested in Mid-M phase using nocodazole. Once cells were arrested, auxin was added for four hours. Left – Cells were washed and plated on YPD for recovery. Viability was measured by normalizing colony-forming units from auxin-treated cells to untreated cells. Bars represent mean +/- standard deviation (n = 4). Right – Cells were fixed and scored for Rad52-GFP foci. Bars represent mean +/- standard deviation (n = 3, 300 cells scored per replicate).


Figure 4.

Figure 4—figure supplement 1. Details on rnh1∆ rnh201∆ TOP1-AID cells released from alpha factor into nocodazole.

Figure 4—figure supplement 1.

(A) Flow cytometry corresponds to Figure 4A. Auxin is added to cells while they are arrested in alpha factor. Cells are then released into nocodazole and auxin, maintaining the state of Top1 depletion. (B) Flow cytometry corresponds to Figure 4B. Auxin is added to cultures in nocodazole 120 min after release from alpha factor. (C) Cells arrested in alpha factor or nocodazole were treated with auxin. Samples were taken at the indicated time points and processed for western blotting. Top: Mouse anti-V5 antibody detects Top1-3xV5-AID. Addition of auxin depletes Top1 by two hours in alpha factor and 30 min in nocodazole. Bottom: Rabbit anti-tubulin antibody detects Tub1.