Trial name or title | Does Plasma Reduce Bleeding in Patients Undergoing Invasive Procedures? |
Methods | Multi‐centre, single‐blind, parallel assignment randomised controlled trial |
Participants |
Inclusion Criteria: Adults (aged 21 years or older) with an INR between 1.5 and 2.5 undergoing an invasive procedure at the bedside, in an endoscopy suite or in a radiology department Exclusion Criteria:
Interventions | Transfusion of fresh frozen plasma (10 mL to 20mL/kg to a maximum of 5 units) versus no transfusion prior to an invasive procedure |
Outcomes |
Primary outcomes: change in haemoglobin level; trial feasibility Secondary outcomes: rate of red cell transfusion; transfusion‐associated circulatory overload; transfusion‐associated acute lung injury; major bleeding; change in INR post‐procedure, at day one and day two; mortality; infection; ICU admission |
Starting date | January 2016 Estimated Study Completion Date: May 2017 |
Contact information | Dr Paul Ness ‐ |
Notes |
Trial registration: NCT02637427 on 16 December 2015 Planned recruitment: 110 adults Sponsor: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Location of trial: United States Number of study centres: 4 |
APTT: activated partial thromboplastin time; ICU: intensive care unit; INR: International Normalised Ratio