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. 2016 Dec 17;66(4):281–293. doi: 10.1007/s10858-016-0078-1

Table 2.

Magnetic susceptibility tensors derived during the assignment of the SNARE complex I, L, M and V methyl groups

Tensor Δχax a Δχrh a Xb Yb Zb Tensor axis Coordinates of tensor axesc
SN166Dy −26.9 −5.4 10.6 58.5 10.4 x −0.997 0.042 0.064
(±1.1) (±1.1) (±0.7) (±0.6) (±0.5) y 0.076 0.491 0.868
z 0.004 0.870 −0.493
SN166Yb 7.9 1.9 11.4 59.4 10.2 x −0.948 0.276 0.16
(±0.4) (±0.4) (±0.3) (±0.4) (±0.5) y 0.256 0.359 0.898
z 0.190 0.891 −0.411
SN41Dy −24.1 −2.3 22.3 53.6 29.8 x −0.512 0.421 0.749
(±0.6) (±0.9) (±0.3) (±0.7) (±0.5) y 0.142 −0.818 0.557
z 0.848 0.391 0.359
Syx214Dy −21.2 −5.1 21.5 35.0 26.5 x −0.571 −0.42 −0.706
(±0.6) (±1.4) (±0.5) (±0.7) (±0.8) y −0.694 −0.214 0.688
z −0.439 0.882 −0.169

The tensors are listed in their unique tensor representation (UTR) as derived by simultaneously fitting all the PCSs measured for a given lanthanide at a given site (Table 1, Supplementary Table 1) using Numbat, assuming a common metal position for samples istopically labeled at different SNARE motifs but containing the same lanthanide at the same site. The errors estimated for Δχax and Δχrh, as well as for the tensor center coordinates, are indicated in parenthesis below their values. The errors correspond to the standard deviations yielded by Numbat using a Monte Carlo error analysis with 100 samples and random omission of 20% of the PCSs for each Monte Carlo sample

aTensor parameters in units of 10−32 m3

bCoordinates of tensor center in the coordinate system used in the high-resolution structure of the SNARE complex (Ernst and Brunger 2003) (PDB accession code 1N7S)

cThe tensor axes are given as unit vectors with respect to the origin (0, 0, 0)