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. 2017 Jan 6;7:39906. doi: 10.1038/srep39906

Table 4. Peak MNI coordinates of the regions exhibiting significant resting-state FC with the PAG for the between-genotype and between-group differences.

Contrast Phase Region BA Cluster t Score Peak coordinate
x y z
G allele carriers overall < AA homozygotes overall Menstruation mPFC 9 1227 3.92 14 44 32
    dlPFC 8 3.02 48 26 44
    ACC 32 968 3.67 −14 36 18
G allele carrier controls < AA homozygous controls Menstruation dlPFC 8 452 3.84 38 36 46
    Temporal 21 588 3.58 60 −36 −12
    ACC 32 387 3.19 −18 42 10
G allele carrier PDMs < AA homozygous PDMs Menstruation Occipital 19 151 4.04 −38 −80 14
    SPL 7 104 3.53 26 −76 54
    Orbitofrontal 11 63 3.36 14 30 −22
    ACC 24 165 3.11 14 −4 42
    mPFC 9 60 2.95 18 40 32
G allele carrier PDMs < AA homozygous PDMs Peri-ovulatory phase Cerebellum 443 4.02 −26 −54 −56
G allele carrier PDMs > G allele carrier controls Menstruation SMA 6 566 4.51 2 −18 56

Peak coordinates refer to the Montreal Neurological Institute space. Significance was thresholded at the uncorrected voxel level p = 0.005, followed by the FWE-corrected cluster level p = 0.05, except the between-genotype comparison for PDM subjects. The contrast of G allele carrier PDMs < AA homozygous PDMs was thresholded at the uncorrected voxel level p = 0.005, voxels > 60. ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; BA, Brodmann area; dlPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; mPFC, medial prefrontal cortex; SMA, supplementary motor area; SPL, superior parietal lobule.