Fig. 2.
Differentially expressed genes in maternal GC, paternal BSB, and triploid offsprings GB. a. The different expression level between BSB and GC is shown. b. The different expression level between BSB and GB is shown. c. The different expression level between GC and GB is shown. The red (blue) points in the graph (MA-plot) are the genes that were identified as differentially expressed. The green points in the graph (MA-plot) are the genes that were not significantly different. Differentially expressed genes were identified using MA plot-based methods with a random sampling model and a p-value threshold of 0.001. d. Differentially expressed genes in each contrast between triploid offspring and their origin parents. Bold text exhibits the total number and fraction of genes differentially expressed in each contrast. Also shown for each contrast is the partitioning of the total number of differentially expressed genes into the direction of upregulation. For example, 4,822 genes are indicated as being differentially expressed between M. amblycephala and C. idellus. Of these, 2,376 are upregulated in C. idellus, and 2,446 genes are upregulated in M. amblycephala