Figure 4. AMPK activation is required for ODE-induced anti-CRC cell activity.
Stable HCT-116 cells expressing scramble control shRNA (“scr-shRNA”), AMPKα1-shRNA or dominant negative (dn)-AMPKα1 (“dnAMPKα1”) as well as their parental cells were treated with or without applied ODE, cells were further cultured, cell viability (A., MTT assay), cell death (B., trypan blue staining assay) and cell apoptosis (C., Histone DNA ELISA assay) were tested. Primary CRC cells (patient-1-dervied), transfected with scramble control siRNA (“scr-siRNA”) or AMPKα1-siRNA (−1/−2), were treated with ODE for indicated time, expressions of listed proteins were shown D., cell viability E. and apoptosis F. were tested similarly. Kinase phosphorylations were quantified (D). Data in this figure were repeated three times, and similar results were obtained. * p < 0.05 vs. “C” of “scr-shRNA”/“scr-siRNA” group. # p < 0.05 vs. “ODE” of “scr-shRNA”/“scr-siRNA” group.