Figure 6. Inhibition of LAT1 increases the growth inhibitory effects resulting from alterations in the glycosylation process.
A. Cell-permeable dimethyloxoglutarate (DMOX) unmasks the contribution of non-metabolized glutamine to HL-60 cell growth. B. BCH blocks leucine uptake (**P<0.01, n=3). Additive inhibitory effects of 48h tunicamycin and BCH treatments on C. cell growth (***P<0.001, n=3) and D. S6RP phosphorylation. Effect of 72h cell prechallenge with tunicamycin on the effects of (consecutive) 48h BCH treatment E. on cell growth and F. S6RP phosphorylation. Immunoblots were repeated 2-3 times with similar results; β-actin immunobloting was used as loading control.