Table 3.
Group Comparisons in Regions With a Significant Group Effect
Brain Region | Between-Group Effect | Patient-Control | Sibling-Control | Patient-Sibling |
(χ2, df = 2, P) | (B, P) | (B, P) | (B, P) | |
Retrolenticular part of internal capsule, right | 11.8, .003† | −0.01, .001* | −0.01, .008* | −0.003, .49 |
Posterior corona radiata, right | 10.5, .005† | −0.01, .001* | −0.009, .03 | −0.004, .29 |
Posterior thalamic radiation, right | 9.0, .01 | −0.01, .003 | −0.004, .27 | −0.007, .05 |
Posterior thalamic radiation, left | 14.2, .0008† | 0.004, .31 | −0.009, .01* | 0.01, .0003* |
Cingulum, right | 19.6, .0001† | −0.01, .01* | −0.02, 9.7×10−6* | 0.01, .05 |
Superior longitudinal fasciculus, right | 9.4, .009 | −0.01, .002 | −0.004, 0.15 | −0.005, .08 |
Note: The χ2 and the P-values represent the significant results of the between-group factor analyses per region in multilevel modeling († P Simes < .005). B and P-values of the individual group comparisons are shown (*P Simes < .02). Analyses are controlled for age, sex, handedness, level of education, and scan interval.