Table 1. Definition of geographic and weather traits.
Trait Name | Trait Codea | Number of Strainsb | Description |
Latitude | latitude | 149 | Latitude coordinate where the nematode strain was collected (°) |
Absolute value of latitude | abslat | 149 | Absolute value of the latitude coordinate where the nematode strain was collected (°) |
Longitude | longitude | 149 | Longitude coordinate where the nematode strain was collected (degrees) |
Absolute value of longitude | abslong | 149 | Absolute value of the longitude coordinate where the nematode strain was collected (°) |
Elevation | elevation | 149 | Calculated elevation based on latitude/longitude coordinates using “geosphere” package (m) |
Temperature | temp | 145 | Average dailyc temperature of the air (°) |
Relative humidity | rh | 129 | Amount of water vapor present in air expressed as a percentage of the amount needed for saturation at the same temperature (%) |
Wind direction | wd | 134 | Angle, measured in a clockwise direction, between true north and the direction from which the wind is blowing (°) |
Wind speed | ws | 136 | Rate of horizontal travel of air past a fixed point (m/sec) |
Cloud heightd | ceil_hgt | 122 | Height above the ground level of the lowest cloud or obscuring phenomena layer with 5/8 or more summation total sky cover, which may be predominantly opaque, or the vertical visibility into a surface-based obstruction (m) |
Dew point | dew_point | 129 | Temperature to which a given parcel of air must be cooled at constant pressure and water vapor content in order for saturation to occur (°) |
Definitions for traits obtained from the Federal Climate Complex Data Documentation for Integrated Surface Data (August 20, 2015).
Abbreviation for weather traits obtained from the raw data file format.
Number of wild isolates with data for each geographic and weather trait. Number of strains for the weather traits was obtained from the 3-month mapping dataset.
All weather traits were defined by averaging the average daily values (see Materials and Methods).
Cloud height data were only sufficient to analyze for the three-year dataset.