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. 2017 Jan 6;12:4. doi: 10.1186/s13023-016-0559-z

Table 2.

Comparison of symptomatology in five patients with MS

No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5
Baseline demographics
 Age (yrs) 3 7 15 18 19
 Sex (M: Male, F: Female) M F F F F
 Height (cm) 103 137 166.5 167 160
 Weight (kg) 16.5 30.3 47.5 60 46
Mental and developmental
 Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)
  Overall Stress (0–13) 8 2 3 14 13
  Emotional distress (0–2) 1 0 1 6 4
  Behavioural difficulties (0–3) 2 0 1 0 2
  Hyperactivity and concentration difficulties (0–5) 4 0 1 4 5
  Difficulties getting along with other children (0–2) 1 2 0 4 2
  Kind and helpful behavior (7–10) 8 10 7 7 9
  Impact of any difficulties on the child’s life (0) 0 0 0 4 1
 Diagnostic predictions LR: Low Risk, MR: Medium Risk
  Any disorder LR LR LR MR LR
  Emotional disorder (anxiety, depression etc.) LR LR LR MR LR
  Behavioural disorder LR LR LR LR LR
  Hyperactivity or concentration disorder LR LR LR LR LR
 Conception (S:Spontaneous) S S S S S
 Mothers parity (0:nullipara, 1:multipara) 0 0 1 0 0
 Mothers uterus normal normal normal bicornuate unicornuate
 Gestational age (weeks) 41 40 35 39 36
 Birth weight (grams) 3240 3600 1950 3500 2135
 Fetal presentation (C:cephalic, B: breach) C C C C B
 Delivery mode (V: vaginal, CS: caesarean section) V V V V CS
 Apgar Score (1 & 5 min) 5/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 6/7
 Breastfeeding Established No Yes No Yes No
 Abducens paralysis Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Facial paralysis Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Previous strabismus surgery Yes No Yes Yes No
 Lacrimation abnormality No No No Yes Yes
 DMFS a 0 0 3 1 2
 Enamel hypomineralisation b No No Yes Yes Yes
 HOB, Horizontal overbite (ref. value 3.3 (1.1) mm) 6 4 4 3 1
 VOB, Vertical overbite (ref. value 2.7 (1.2) mm) 1 5 4 −4 1
 Gingivitis, (range 0–12 index teeth) 4 0 2 5 1
 Tongue asymmetry No Yes Yes No Yes
 NOT-S (range 0–12) 1 1 3 6 8
 MOC (ref. mean (range): 45 (25–70) mm) c n.a. 45 44 53 39
 Smile surgery d No Yes No Yes No
 Sagittal intermax. relationsship (ss-n-pg) n.a.
 Maxillary prognathism (s-n-ss) n.a.
 Incisor inclination, superior n.a. - - -
 Alveolar prognathism, superior n.a. - - - -
 Mandibular prognathism Pg (s-n-pg) n.a. - - - -
 Incisor inclination, inferior n.a. - - - -
 Alveolar prognathism, inferior n.a.
 Vertical intermax. relationship (NL/ML) n.a. - -
 Maxillary inclination (NSL/NL) n.a. - - -
 Occlusal plane, superior (OLs/NL) n.a. -
 Mandibular inclination (NSL/ML) n.a. - - -
 Occlusal plane, inferior (OLi/ML) n.a. -
 Poland syndrome No No No No No
 Scoliosis Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Syndactyly Yes No Yes No No
 Adactyly Yes No Yes No No
 Camptodactyly Yes Yes Yes No No
 Bracydactyly Yes No Yes No No
 CTEV (Club feet) No No No Yes No
 Pes calcaneovalgus No No Yes Yes No
 Macrodactyly No Yes Yes Yes No
 Curly toes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
 Foot length (cm), R/L n.a. 18.9/19.3 21.4/21.6 21/21 22.2/22.0
 Balance eyes-open Distance of Center of Force (cm) n.a. 92.8 90.4 81.5 123.7
 Total foot force (kg), R/L n.a. 29.9/23.57 n.a./78.8 100.7/83.2 56.1/ n.a.
 Total foot contact area (cm2) R/L n.a. 52.39/67.1 n.a./81.2 88.3/81.6 84.4/ n.a.
 Total foot peak contact pressure (mmHg), R/L n.a. 2493/2775 n.a./8586 8080/9470 4331/ n.a.
 Region of peak contact pressure, R/L f n.a. MH/M3 n.a./ M3 MH/MH M5/ n.a.

n.a Not applicable

anumber of dental surfaces with decay or filling because of caries. bpresence of one or more molars with enamel-hypomineralisation. cmaximal opening capacity: interincisal distance on unassisted mouth opening + VOB. dprevious transplantation of a muscle grafted from the thigh to the corners of the mouth to improve facial expression [22, 23, 26]. eCraniofacial values compared to mean values and standard-deviation (SD) in 51 untreated healthy females with normal teeth and occlusion. Arrows indicate deviations from reference-value > 1 SD. fMH: Medial Heel Region, M3: Third Metatarsal Region, M5: Fifth Metatarsal Region