Characterization of response timing in Experiment 2. A, Number of subjects meeting criteria for inclusion in the temporal analysis. B, Coefficient of determination (goodness of fit) for the Weibull fits. C, The value of the I parameter as a function of extinction trials. D, Results of the bootstrapping experiment used to determine whether the shift in I during extinction exceeded any shift produced purely by a reduction in response rate. In Groups 6 and 12, I was affected by neither SourceRT nor Sourcen, indicating that the diminution of responding during extinction was not sufficient to alter I. In Group 24, changes in Sourcen altered I when response times were drawn from Sourcen but not when response times were drawn from Block 1 only. This pattern confirms that the increase in I during extinction in Group 24 exceeded any change expected purely on the basis of diminished responding. Error bars represent ±1 SEM.