Figure 2.
The Shared Positive Outcome Ratio, or SPOR, weights relationships according to the relative success of a provider pair. The SPOR answers this question: ‘How many more positives outcomes do these providers attain when they collaborate versus when they collaborate with other providers?’ In this example, 30 patient encounters are shown. Some patients report a positive outcome (highly likely to recommend Northwestern Medicine to others, red), while others report a negative outcome (not highly likely to recommend, black). Provider 1 (P1) interacts with 20 of these patients and Provider 2 (P2) interacts with an overlapping 20 patients. Providers 1 and 2 share 10 patient encounters with 9/10 reporting a positive outcome. If the rate of satisfaction were the same inside the overlap as it is outside of the overlap, the SPOR would be 1, which is the expected value. In this example, however, both providers have greater success when working together (i.e., inside the overlap) and the SPOR value is greater than 1. This metric was calculated for each pair of providers in the network.