Fig. 3.
Sensation scores for hunger and fullness in relation to gastric content volume. The plots display the probability (y-axis) that participants report fullness or hunger higher than a stated threshold (indicated above each panel) at a given gastric content volume (x-axis). The maximal postprandial content volume after the meal is plotted at the right of the x-axis. Compared to HC, the sensation of fullness reported by AN patients was significantly shifted to the left (i.e., increased visceral sensation) and for OB the relationship was shifted to the right (i.e., decreased visceral sensation). This is illustrated for fullness scores > zero (a) and > two (c). Conversely, at any given volume, the sensation of hunger reported by HC and OB was significantly greater than that reported by AN patients. This is illustrated for hunger scores > zero (b) and > two (d). The 12 AN patients included in the longitudinal analysis sensed less fullness (e) and more hunger (f) after the weight rehabilitation program. 1 = AN at visit 1, 2 = AN at visit 2