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. 2017 Jan 6;17:39. doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-3919-7

Table 4.

Weight Concern according to socio-demographic variables, BMI distribution and LTPAa,b,c

Not at all A little A lot P
Men (n = 451) 60.6§ 35.8§ 3.6§
 Age (years)
  18–35 65.1§ 32.9† 2.0§ 0.001
  36–55 48.7§ 43.4† 8.0†
  Balearic Islands 59.8§ 37.0‡ 3.3§ 0.181
  Regions of Spain 57.3‡ 39.0 3.7†
  South America 58.3‡ 29.2 12.5†
  Other countries 81.3‡ 18.8 0.0
 Educational level
  Low 57.1† 32.1 10.7 0.165
  Medium 63.8§ 33.2‡ 3.0§
  High 56.1§ 40.5† 3.4§
 Professional profile
  Student 62.3§ 34.2 3.5§ 0.935
  Unemployed 52.2† 43.5 4.3†
  Employed 60.1§ 36.2§ 3.7§
 BMI (kg/m2)
  Normal-weight 71.5§ 27.1§ 1.4§ <0.001
  Overweight 45.1§ 50.7 4.2§
  Obesity 59.2§ 28.6 12.2†
  Yes 59.2§ 37.0‡ 3.8§ 0.864
  No 62.1§ 34.5† 3.4§
Women (n = 630) 34.1§ 47.8§ 18.1§
 Age (years)
  18–35 38.5§ 42.2† 19.4§ 0.003
  36–55 27.4§ 56.5† 16.1†
  Balearic Islands 34.2§ 49.9‡ 16.0§ 0.019
  Regions of Spain 37.2‡ 47.9 14.9†
  South America 27.4‡ 37.1 35.5†
  Other countries 38.1‡ 42.9 19.0
 Educational level
  Low 28.3† 54.3 17.4 0.512
  Medium 36.1§ 44.4‡ 19.4§
  High 32.6§ 51.0† 16.3§
 Professional profile
  Student 37.4§ 40.9 21.7§ 0.052
  Unemployed 26.5† 42.9 30.6†
  Employed 33.8§ 50.4§ 15.8§
 BMI (kg/m2)
  Normal-weight 39.3§ 48.5§ 12.3§ <0.001
  Overweight 20.7§ 51.0 28.3§
  Obesity 24.2§ 46.8 29.0†
  Yes 35.6§ 49.1‡ 15.2§ 0.169
  No 32.4§ 46.3† 21.3§

Abbreviations: BMI body mass index, LTPA leisure-time physical activity

aValues are expressed as percentages

bSignificant trends between Weight Estimation groups have been evaluated by χ 2

cSignificant trends between males and females have been evaluated by χ 2: †p < 0.05; ‡p < 0.01; §p < 0.001