Figure 2. Effect of covariates on the rate at which post-disturbance ACS changes converge to a theoretical steady state (in yr).
Covariates are : disturbance intensity () , i.e. the proportion of initial ACS loss; mean site’s ACS (), and relative forest maturity, i.e. pre-logging plot ACS as a % of (); annual precipitation (); seasonality of precipitation (), soil bulk density (). Covariates are centred and standardized. Red and black levels are 80% and 95% credible intervals, respectively. The median rate is the prediction of the convergence rate for an average plot (when all covariates are set to zero). Negative covariate values indicate slowing and positive values indicate accelerating rates. (a) Survivors’ ACS growth. (b) New recruits’ ACS. (c) Recruits’ ACS growth. (d) Survivors’ ACS loss. (e) Recruits’ ACS loss.