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. 2016 Dec 14;30(1):381–407. doi: 10.1128/CMR.00066-16


Essential, achievable, and aspirational antimicrobial stewardship activities for the microbiology laboratory

Stewardship activity level Descriptiona
Essential Provide timely, reliable, and reproducible identification and antimicrobial susceptibility results
Actively participate in antimicrobial stewardship committee or work group
Collaborate in educating local health care workers on microbiology issues that impact treatment and microbial resistance
Promptly report unusual patterns of resistance, test supplementary agents, and provide advice on therapy for patients awaiting results
Optimize communication of critical test result values and alert systems
Provide, revise, and publicize annual CASR consistent with CLSI standards
Provide guidance for adequate collection of microbiology specimens
Develop alert systems for specific multidrug-resistant organisms
Use cascade or selective reporting
Collaborate with ID physicians and pharmacists on updating methods for susceptibility testing
Achievable Provide specific comments, drafted in collaboration with antimicrobial stewardship team, to guide therapy on microbiology reports
Participate in establishing protocols on biomarker use
Use rapid diagnostic and antimicrobial susceptibility technologies for targeted critical specimen types
Use rapid-detection platform for respiratory pathogens
Guide optimal use of diagnostic assays for C. difficile
Develop direct communication pathways with prescribers to help interpret RDT results and discrepant results
Provide guidelines for the interpretation of microbiology test results
Collaborate in audit and feedback of antimicrobial therapies for specific pathogens or syndromes where the role of lab test values is critical (e.g., C. difficile, bloodstream infections)
Aspirational Evaluate feasibility of and, where possible, perform testing for susceptibility to new drugs
Broaden use of validated rapid diagnostic and rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing
Participate in education of patients and local population on antimicrobial resistance
Participate in national and regional surveillance systems
Promote appropriate use of point-of-care microbiological tests, when available

CLSI, Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; CASR, cumulative antimicrobial susceptibility report; RDT, rapid diagnostic test.