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. 2017 Jan 6;12(1):e0169195. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0169195

Table 1. Socio demographic characteristics, risk factors, prison variables and HCV infection among male and female prisoners at baseline (n = 3,368).

Sex (Number/percentage)
Variables Malen = 2,848 (84.6%) Missing n Female (n = 520/15.4%) Missing n p—value
HCV positive 77 (2.7) - 3 (0.6) - <0.01
Age, years, mean±SD 32±10 - 32±10 - 0.36
Marital status, single 1,308(46) 21 173(34) 13 <0.01
Ethnicity 116 51
White 916(33) 138(29) <0.01
Multiracial 1,369(52) 283(62)
Black 378(13) 35(7)
Asian 69(2) 13(2)
Naturality in MS 1,880(66) - 276(53) - <0.01
Schooling less than 4 years 1,186(43) 66 281(55) 5 <0.01
Drug History
Over the last year 1,536(54) - 199(38) - <0.01
Over the last year 26(1) 91 5(1) 16 0.91
Ever shared needles/syring 79(3) 14 28(5) 3 <0.01
Sexual History
Sexual Preference 15 12 <0.01
- Heterosexual 2,786(98) 450(89)
- Homosexual 47(2) 58(11)
Previously had homosexual intercourse 153(5) 77 125(26) 45 <0.01
Ever had sex with an non-IDU 951(34) 13 256(50) 3 <0.01
Ever had sex with an IDU 82(3) 218 30(6) 25 <0.01
Stable Partner 1,433(50) 4 241(46) - 0.10
Condom use 12 8 0.35
- Always 957(34) 162(32)
- Sometimes/never 1,879(66) 350(68)
Other Risk Behavior
History of STI(s) 341(13) 157 51(10) 11 0.09
Episode of genital ulcer 63(2) 7 11(2) 1 0.89
Blood Transfusion 352(13) 49 59(11) 3 0.47
Tattoos 1,907(67) 9 324(62) - 0.03
Piercings 189(7) 39 186(36) 2 <0.01
Shared Sharp Objects 1,020(36) 12 267(52) 1 <0.01
Surgery 1,115(39) 20 327(64) 4 <0.01
HIV status
Positive 44 (1.54) - 10 (1.92) - 0.53
Previous Incarceration 1,748(62) 25 207(40) 2 <0.01
Time in prison, months, mean±SD 20±27 - 12±12 - <0.01
Penal institutions <0.01
EPFCAJG - 81(16)
EPFTL - 78(15)
EPFPP - 93(18)
EPFIIZ - 268(51)
EPC 260(9) -
PTL 282(10) -
EPRB 250(9) -
CTAL 118(4) -
PTCG 286(10) -
IPCG 516(18) -
EPJFC 601(21) -
PHAC 535(19) -

MS- Mato Grosso do Sul state, IDU- Injection Drug Use, STI- Sexually Transmitted Infection, EPFCAJG- Estabelecimento Penal Feminino Carlos Alberto Jonas Giordano, EPFTL- Estabelecimento Penal Feminino de Três Lagoas, EPFPP- Estabelecimento Penal Feminino de Ponta Porã, EPFIIZ- Estabelecimento Penal Feminino Irmã Irma Zorzi, EPC- Estabelecimento Penal de Corumbá, PTL- Penitenciária de Três Lagoas, EPRB- Estabelecimento Penal Ricardo Brandão, CTAL- Centro de Triagem Anízio Lima, PTCG- Presídio de Trânsito de Campo Grande, IPCG- Instituto Penal de Campo Grande, EPJFC- Estabelecimento Penal Jair Ferreira de Carvalho, PHAC- Penitenciária Harry Amorim Costa.