Figure 5. The magnitude of synaptic events and inhibitory efficacy show correlation with the number of the perisomatic contacts but not with the total number of contacts at individual connections.
(A–F) Relationship between the structural and electrophysiological properties of the output synaptic contacts in CCK-PN (blue) and PVBC-PN (orange) pairs. Note that the IPSC amplitude, charge transfer and inhibitory efficacy show stronger correlation with the number of the perisomatic contacts than with the total number of contacts. Linear correlation is labeled with a solid line. Pearson's r values and significance levels of correlations are indicated in the top left corner of the plots. (G and H) Relationship between the inhibitory efficacy and IPSC charge transfer, plotted together with the total number (G) and number of perisomatic contacts (H) as a heat map showing that the inhibitory efficacy is rather dependent on the number of the perisomatic contacts than on the total number of contacts. On panel G and H triangles mark CCKBCs, circles label PVBCs. For additional analysis see Figure 5—figure supplements 1,2.