Figure 8. Comparison of the innervation patterns of CCKBCs and PVBCs at single-cell and population levels.
(A) Kv2.1 immunostaining (blue) was used to label the perisomatic region of cells in slices where BC-PN pairs were visualized (biocytin in BC (magenta), and Alexa 488 in PN (green)). Contact sites from the same BC were identified on the intracellularly-labeled PN (green arrows) and on Kv2.1-expressing profiles (white arrows), enabling the investigation of the innervation pattern at both single-cell and population levels. (B) Analysis of the bouton distribution of a representative biocytin-labeled BC (shown in panel A) on 17 Kv2.1-labeled PNs. Data are arranged based on the number of biocytin-filled boutons contacting their perisomatic region (circles). For comparison, the number of the contacts formed on the intracellularly labeled postsynaptic PN is shown with a red triangle. (C and D) Summary data of the innervation patterns of 21 BCs showing that the number of the established contacts at the single-cell level (on the biocytin-filled postsynaptic PN) is independent of the average number of the contacts determined at population levels (i.e., on multiple Kv2.1-labeled PNs). (D) Data in C is arranged as a function of increasing contact number obtained in the pairs. (E) Target distribution analysis of CCKBCs and PVBCs at the population level obtained with Kv2.1 staining: ratio of contacts on the soma, proximal dendrites belonging to the perisomatic region and distal dendrites. Average perisomatic target ratio is shown with red dots. Data is arranged as a function of increasing ratio of contacts on the perisomatic region. Scale: 10 µm. For additional analysis see Figure 8—figure supplement 1.