Sequences used in the alignments of the bla genes and the flanking regions of the blaCARB genes
bla gene | Source, location (reference) | GenBank (accession no.) | FR-CARB (nucleotide position)a |
blaCARB | |||
blaCARB-1b | Pseudomonas aeruginosa, CHR,k Tn2521, ln33 (22) | AF313471 | CARB-1 (1239-2450) |
blaCARB-2c | P. aeruginosa, pRPL11, Tn1403, ln28 (23) | AF313472 | A.CARB-2 (1324-2535) |
(blaCARB-2)d | Salmonella typhimurium, pMG217 (unpublished) | Z18955 | B.CARB-2 (1-1199) |
(blaCARB-2)d | S. typhimurium, CHR, class 1 integron (2) | AF071555 | C.CARB-2 (11109-12320) |
(blaCARB-2)d | V. choleraee plasmid, class 1 integron (8) | AF221899 | D.CARB-2 (1-1195) |
blaCARB-3 | P. aeruginosa, CHR, Tn1408 (13) | S46063 | CARB-3 (1-1060) |
blaCARB-4 | P. aeruginosa, pUD12, Tn1408, class 1 integron (27) | U14749 | CARB-4 (501-1734) |
blaN29 | Proteus mirabilis, unknown location (11) | D86225 | N29 (50-1260) |
blaCARB-6 | V. cholerae non-O1, non-O139, CHR (4) | AF030945 | CARB-6 (1-967) |
blaCARB-7 | V. cholerae non-O1, non-O139, SI (19) | AF409092 | CARB-7 (697-1933) |
blaP2f | S. typhimurium, pST2301, class 1 integron (21) | AY123251 | blaP2 (3432-4651) |
blaCARB-9 | V. cholerae non-O1, non-O139, SI (this work) | AY248038 | CARB-9 (1881-3119) |
blaRTG | |||
blaRTG-1g | P. mirabilis, CHR (26) | D13209 | NCh |
blaRTG-2i | Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, unknown location (5) | AF135373 | NC |
blaRTG-3j | Oligella urethralis, CHR (16) | AY178993 | NC |
FR-CARB, flanking region of blaCARB gene. Nucleotide positions of aligned sequences in the corresponding GenBank reports are given in parentheses.
Formerly known as blaPSE-4. A shorter sequence containing blaCARB-1 in a Tn1405 chromosomal background was also reported from P. aeruginosa (accession no. J05162) and was identical to a subsequence of AF313471.
Formerly named as blaPSE-1.
Not included in the alignment of bla genes (sequences of blaCARB-2 in AF313472, Z18955, AF071555, and AF221899 shared 100% identity).
blaCARB-2 was detected in both V. cholerae O1 and non-O1, non-O139 isolates; the sequence under accession no. AF221899 corresponds to a V. cholerae non-O1, non-O139 strain.
Named as blaCARB-8 in the GenBank report.
Formerly known as the β-lactamase of P. mirabilis GN79.
NC, not considered; the blaRTG genes were not included in the analysis of flanking regions.
Formerly, blaCARB-5.
Also named as blaCARB-8.
CHR, chromosome.