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. 2017 Jan;5(1):82–90.

Table 4.

Relationship between social well-being score and predictive variable in school of midwifery and nursing students in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences in 2015

Variable Coefficient Standard. Error. t P>t [95% Conf. Interval]
Sex 21.18 3.86 5.48 0.12 -27.90 to 70.27
Age 0.18 0.20 0.93 0.52 -2.31 to 2.67
Program Bachelor -15.03 3.54 -4.25 0.15 -59.99 to 29.93
Master of Science and higher -17.96 6.02 -2.98 0.21 -94.48 58.57
Ph.D 0.74 2.66 0.28 0.83 -33.01 to 34.48
Educational status of Father Under six grade 2094.94 377.56 5.55 0.11 -2702.61 to 6892.49
High school diploma 44.46 3.83 11.61 0.06 -4.21 to 93.13
Bachelor 38.73 3.86 10.04 0.06 -10.30 to 87.76
Master of science and higher 2075.99 373.78 5.55 0.11 -2673.33 to 6825.31
Educational status of Mather Under six grade -21.64 2.76 -7.85 0.08 -56.66 to 13.38
High school diploma -30.67 3.63 -8.46 0.08 -76.74 to 15.39
Bachelor 2040.76 375.62 5.43 0.12 -2731.92 to 6813.43
Master of science and higher -68.99 7.96 -8.67 0.07 -170.13 to 32.16
Marital status -36.07 3.80 -9.49 0.07 -84.36 to 12.23
*SES 1.10 0.47 2.35 0.26 -4.85 to 7.05
Physical activity -2066.07 375.54 -5.50 0.11 -6837.81 to 2705.67
Severity of Physical activity 31.73 3.86 8.22 0.08 -17.30 to 80.76
Home activity 7.03 2.25 3.12 0.20 -21.60 to 35.66
Intensity of home chore -32.59 4.78 -6.82 0.09 -93.32 to 28.14

The SES category was determine by Principal Component Method; Multiple linear regressions