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. 2016 Dec 28;5:183–186. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2016.12.023

Table 2.

Prevalence of aspirin use for primary CVD prevention by select demographic characteristics, 2012–2015.

Prevalence trend, 2012–2015
Prevalencea 95% CI Average annual rate of change, % pb
All adults 40 + 22.1% 21.9–22.3 − 2.7% 0.003
Age group
 40–49 9.8% 9.4–10.3 − 7.9% 0.001
 50–64 24.0% 23.4–24.6 − 3.4% 0.023
  ≥ 65 35.0% 34.2–35.7 − 2.8% 0.050
 Male 23.5% 23.2–23.8 − 3.3% 0.013
 Female 20.8% 20.6–21.1 − 2.1% 0.099
 Non–Hispanic white 23.0% 22.8–23.3 − 4.3% < 0.001
 Non–Hispanic black 21.9% 21.5–22.4 5.1% 0.035
 Hispanic 18.8% 18.3–19.3 4.0% 0.141
 Other 18.3% 17.7–18.9 − 2.5% 0.497
Geographic region
 Northeast 21.2% 20.7–21.7 − 2.1% 0.309
 Midwest 23.4% 23.0–23.8 − 4.2% 0.015
 South 22.6% 22.3–22.9 − 1.5% 0.323
 West 21.0% 20.6–21.4 − 3.9% 0.067
Household income
 $0–$34,999 20.7% 20.4–21.0 1.8% 0.235
 $35,000–$74,999 22.8% 22.5–23.2 0.6% 0.760
 $75,000–$99,999 23.5% 22.9–24.1 − 6.5% 0.028
 $100,000 and over 24.1% 23.6–24.5 − 5.6% 0.009
Health insurance
 Not covered 17.2% 16.0–18.4 − 4.8% 0.234
 Covered 22.4% 22.2–22.6 − 3.4% < 0.001
 Underweight 13.9% 12.8–15.0 4.1% 0.633
 Normal 18.5% 18.2–18.8 − 2.0% 0.272
 Overweight 22.4% 22.1–22.7 − 2.8% 0.078
 Obese 25.1% 24.8–25.4 − 3.7% 0.015
 < High school 17.4% 16.8–18.0 12.0% 0.002
 High school 22.1% 21.8–22.4 − 0.4% 0.820
 ≥ College 22.9% 22.6–23.1 − 5.2% < 0.001
Modifiable CVD risk factorsc
 0 17.5% 17.2–17.9 − 5.0% 0.037
 1 20.6% 20.3–20.9 − 5.6% 0.002
 2 24.0% 23.6–24.4 − 2.7% 0.153
 3 27.6% 27.1–28.2 0.4% 0.847
 ≥ 4 30.9% 30.1–31.6 0.4% 0.877

Age-adjusted to the 2000 standard US population.


p-Values are for trend significance via Wald F test, adjusted for age.


Modifiable CVD risk factors include current smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol within the past year, hypertension within the past year, obesity, and physical inactivity.