Table 2.
Regional arterial transit times of the young (n=9) and elderly subjects (n=140)
ATT (s) | Superior Frontal |
Middle Frontal |
Inferior Frontal |
Superior Temporal |
Middle Temporal |
Inferior Temporal |
Superior Parietal |
Inferior Parietal |
Superior Occipital |
Middle Occipital |
Inferior Occipital |
Basal Ganglia |
Elderly wo. VS | 1.51±0.27 | 1.49±0.26 | 1.28±0.27 | 1.14±0.31 | 1.37±0.32 | 1.48±0.28 | 1.73±0.26 | 1.52±0.31 | 1.73±0.27 | 1.76±0.27 | 1.56±0.32 | 1.08±0.28 |
Elderly w. VS | 1.76±0.25 | 1.80±0.25 | 1.58±0.27 | 1.47±0.32 | 1.69±0.27 | 1.76±0.22 | 1.96±0.21 | 1.85±0.25 | 1.93±0.21 | 1.99±0.22 | 1.79±0.25 | 1.26±0.35 |
Young w. VS | 1.59±0.19 | 1.64±0.18 | 1.35±0.20 | 1.33±0.21 | 1.60±0.17 | 1.69±0.17 | 1.92±0.18 | 1.75±0.18 | 1.94±0.20 | 1.99±0.15 | 1.72±0.25 | 0.91±0.20 |
ATT values with Bold face indicate statistical difference between elderly w. VS and young w. VS with threshold of 0.05 using a Mann-Whitney U-test.