Figure 5.
ChAT and TH amacrines. Stratification of amacrine cells, labeled by ChAT (red) and TH (green). The green-labeled plexus in S1 corresponds to the dendrites of TH cells in the IPL, while the two red plexa are the well-known ChAT bands, located at 1/3 and 2/3 of the IPL depth. Both Pax6α:Cre; Brn3aCKOAP/KO and Pax6α:Cre; Brn3bCKOAP/KO mice (A,C) show identical amacrine cell patterning indistinguishable from that of controls (B,D). Same preparations as above, at slightly higher magnification, showing the thin plexus of TH processes in the outer retina, as well as rare dendritic profiles in the deeper part of the IPL. Staining of amacrine cells in the Pax6α:Cre; Brn3bCKOAP/KO mouse (E) matches that of the control (F) completely. GCL, ganglion cell layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; IPL, inner plexiform layer; OPL, outer plexiform layer. Scale bar = 20 µm in D (applies to A–D) and F (applies to E,F).