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. 2017 Jan 9;7:1996. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01996

Table 2.

Main SK-UTALCA functionalities according to the program menu.

Main objective Main commands Secondary commands Description
Input and output of information Import X and Y data Spectral data (X) Import spectral data: first column or row (depends on the equipment) must include the assessed wavelengths.
Samples per plot Indicate samples per scan (definitions in Table 1).
Transpose data Software works only with wavelengths as columns; the user will be able to transpose their data.
Response variable (Y) Import response variables data (on columns) where the three first columns must be codes (free criteria).
Export data Average It is possible to export the average of the samples per scan or each sample individually.
Empty data Data can be exported including or excluding cells deleted during the cleaning of the data matrix.
Cleaning data matrix Noise analysis Wavelength segments Ten different segments to analyze in relation to the percentage change among a determined neighbor size.
Noise elimination can be applied equally to all data (Group) or for each sample (Individual). Additionally, negative values can be also deleted.
Scan analysis Maximum variation coefficient Criteria to select samples within a same scan where the variation coefficient, at any wavelength, is lower than the established threshold (Scans without problems) and those that exceeded it (Scans with problems).
Samples to delete If there are inconsistencies in one or more samples within the same scan, it is possible to select and delete them.
Outlier analysis Through a graphical analysis of the cloud of data points (response variable vs. SRI), it is possible to detect those out of range, identify the source of the problem and delete them in the case of clear evidence of a mistake.
Preliminary analysis Collinearity analysis For a given response variable, through linear or artificial neural network (ANN) analysis, it is possible to identify wavelengths without collinearity.
Individual wavelength analysis Through different regression models and statistical parameters, it is possible to identify wavelengths better associated with a given response variable.
SRI analysis Full report Through different regression models and a coefficient of determination threshold, it is possible to identify SRIs that are better associated with a given response variable. The software will be launched with a database of 255 SRIs (Supplementary Table 1).
Detailed index report For subsequent graphical representation it is possible to export, for each genotype or measurement, individual values of SRIs and response variables.