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. 2016 Dec;6(6):557–569. doi: 10.21037/cdt.2016.11.10

Table 4. Pre and post treatment VM features for ultrasound and MRI (16,18,26).

Imaging modality Differential imaging characteristics categories Pre-treatment features Post-treatment features
Ultrasound Architecture Heterogeneous, tubular, torturous, acoustically shadowed phleboliths Decreased size, involution of VM, absence of phleboliths
Echogenicity Hypo- or anechoic vascular space and formations Hypo- or anechoic
Flow Low rate monophasic flow, though some can appear without any flow Decreased flow
MRI Architecture Can appear septated with lobulated margins, infiltrates tissue planes and reveals full extent of infiltration at margins of lesion, surrounding edema possible, lower SI or signal voids represent dystrophic calcification or phleboliths, thrombi are hyperintense Evaluation post 6 months shows decreased lesion size
T1 imaging Iso- or hypointense Diminished signal intensity post 6 months
T2 imaging High signal intensity Diminished signal intensity post 6 months
Enhancement Can be diffuse, hetero-, or homogenous Early evaluation demonstrates heterogeneous high signal intensity in treated areas. Post 6 months enhancement is decreased
Flow measurement Low In cases of extensive VM, gadolinium enhanced imaging is used to demonstrate residual perfusion of VM

VM, venous malformation; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.