Fig. 1.
GAF and Mod(mdg4) coimmunoprecipitate and are present in the nuclear matrix. (A and B) Coimmunoprecipitation experiments. The serum used for the immunoprecipitation is indicated above each lane. PI indicates that the PreImmune serum was used. Western blots were probed with the anti-Mod(mdg4) serum (A) or the anti-GAF serum (B). (C) Nuclear matrix analysis. The different fractions correspond to the different steps of the nuclear matrix extraction, according to the original protocol (27). N, nuclei; DN, nuclei digested with DNase I and RNase A; NS, nuclease supernatant; TXS, supernatant after Triton X-100 treatment; SS1, first salt supernatant; SS2, second salt supernatant; DSNF-I, Drosophila subnuclear fraction I, which contains nuclear lamina, pore complexes, and the nuclear matrix. Antibodies against GAF, Mod(mdg4), lamin, and Ubx proteins were used to probe the different fractions as indicated.