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. 2017 Jan 9;7:40052. doi: 10.1038/srep40052

Table 4. Categories of subjects and their background histories.

Background during early development N Age Range (years) Current Housing Years in Captivity Human Exposure Remark
Wild 5 10–25 Rehabilitation station 0–7 Minimal Majority of life in natural habitat. Arrived at a rehabilitation center as adolescents or adults, eventually to be translocated to a new natural habitat.
Station 8 5–11 Rehabilitation station 4–10 Mainly human raised. Minimum 80% of life in rehabilitation station. Arrived at station as dependent offspring at the age of 1.5 year or younger.
Human 16 3.5–14 Rehabilitation station 0–9 Minimum 6 months with humans Arrived at rehabilitation station older than 1.5 years of age. Background history with human contact (minimum 6 months), e.g. pet
Unknown rehab 33 3–17 Rehabilitation station 0.5–14 Unknown before arrival at station No background information. Arrived at station between 2 and 7 years of age and spent possibly large part of the developmental phase in captivity.
Mother-reared Zoo 31 5–52 Zoo Whole life All life within human care Nursed by own mother within a zoo. All life in captivity with exposure to human caretakers and visitors.
Hand-reared Zoo 10 13–43 Zoo Whole life Human hand nursing and all life within human care Nursed by human caretakers either at the zoo or in human households. All life in captivity with exposure to human caretakers and visitors.