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. 2016 Dec 26;2016:4624829. doi: 10.1155/2016/4624829

Table 7.

Methodological recommendations for future early autism screening studies.

Domain Essential study features for interpretability: general for disability and autism screening Additional criteria for interpretability for screening that targets children under 18 months Recommended for consistency across studies
Sample/participants Level 1: large population studies needed; track at least a subset of representative screen negatives to determine true and false negatives so that accurate Se and Sp can be calculated.
Report demographic characteristics.
Report inclusion/exclusion criteria related to other risks or other disabilities; consider % of preterm/low birthweight; suggest to exclude significant sensory, motor, and known genetic diagnoses.
Level 2: smaller (not population level) high-risk samples acceptable.
Level 2: include samples matched on cognitive level or compare DD to ASD at outcome.
Report demographic characteristics.
Level 2: include samples matched on cognitive level and/or compare DD to ASD on outcomes. Report inclusion/exclusion criteria related to other risks or other disabilities; see above.

Screening instrument Make administration of instrument as close as possible to how it would be used in a community setting.

Reference standard Evaluations based on DSM criteria; in-person BED preferable.
Evaluators must be blind to screening status of participants.
24-month-old diagnoses may be unstable in a minority of children; 36-month diagnosis is more reliable. 24-month-old diagnoses may be unstable in a minority of children; 36-month diagnosis is more reliable.
Include and define other disability outcomes. Define other disability outcomes consistently; consider global delay, language delay, typical development, and other disabilities.

Timing and flow Demonstrate a “clear path” between screening outcomes and scores and reference standard diagnosis.
Describe attrition.
No study to date has followed children up for diagnosis after the concurrent study age or at age of 3 years. It will be important for future studies to confirm longer-term diagnostic status.

Evaluation and performance Important to examine age groups separately; preferably in 6-month groupings up to 3 years of age. Very important to examine young age groups separately, especially below 12 months versus 12–18 months versus 18–24 months. Very important to examine young age groups separately, especially below 12 months versus 12–18 months versus 18–24 months.
Very important to describe developmental level of children detected with screener. Very important to describe developmental level of children detected with screener.
Account for different levels of ASD severity.
Describe other disability outcomes for false positives.