Figure 1.
Genotype at rs356182 near SNCA associates with tremor‐predominant phenotype. (A, B) The tremor‐dominant (TD)/postural‐instability‐gait‐difficulty (PIGD) ratio is shown for PD patients with each genotype at rs356182 in the UPenn (discovery) cohort (n = 251) under categorical (Panel A) and major‐allele dominant (Panel B) models. UPDRS scores were used to calculate TD/PIGD ratios, with a cut‐off ratio of >1.5 previously proposed to define the TD motor subtype. (C) The TD/PIGD ratio by rs356182 genotype is shown for PD patients from the 3‐site replication cohort (n = 559) under a major‐allele dominant model. MDS‐UPDRS scores were used to calculate ratios, with a cut‐off ratio of >1.15 previously proposed to define the TD motor subtype. 5/559 (0.9%) of individuals were outliers with TD/PIGD ratios >8 and are not shown; their TD/PIGD ratio values are 13 (AA genotype), 12 (AA genotype), 10 (GG genotype), 9 (AA genotype), and 9 (AG genotype). For both panels, each dot represents one individual, and means +/− SEMs are indicated. * denotes corrected p < 0.05