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. 2016 Dec 12;10:702. doi: 10.3332/ecancer.2016.702

Table 1. Main characteristics of all studies included in the review.

First author; publication year; country of origin Study period No. patients Low/high NLR Treatment received Follow-up Age (median – ys) No of distal metastasis No of deaths Type of study Cut-off Survival analysis Significant variables
Azab et al., 2012; USA 2004–2006 NLR < 1.8
n = 77
1.80 ≤ NLR < 2.45n = 80
2.45 ≤ NLR < 3.33n = 78
NLR ≥ 3.3
n = 81
Surgery 1–7 ys 59, 3/60, 8/60, 8/67 NR NLR < 1.8
1 y – 0 ;
2y – 4%
5 y – 13%
NLR ≥ 3.3
1 y – 16%
2 y – 25%
5 y – 44%
Retrospective Multiple cut-off
NLR < 1.8
1.80 ≤ NLR < 2.45
2.45 ≤ NLR < 3.33
NLR ≥ 3.3
Long-term mortality Older age
Tumour size
Nodal status
Clinical staging
Forget et al., 2013; Belgium 2010 172 – centre 1
162 – centre 2 - (Ketorolac or diclofenac use – 20-30 mg/75 mg)
Surgery 24 mo NR Centre 1
NLR < 4 – 6.3%
NLR ≥ 4 – 16.5%
Centre 2
NLR ≥ 3 11.6%
NLR < 3 – 2, 2%
Centre 1
4 – 2.4%
4 – 8.2%
Centre 2
3 – 7.9%
3 – 3.4%
Retrospective 5 < NLR ≥ 5
4 < NLR ≥ 4
Lymph node invasion
Azab et al., 2013; USA 2004–2006 NLR < 1.8
n = 104
1.8 ≤ NLR <
2.4n = 106
2.4 ≤ NLR <
3.3n = 108
NLR ≥ 3.3
n = 119
Surgery 48 mo 63,6 NLR < 1.8 – 2
NLR ≥ 3.3 – 24
1.8 – 1 (1.9%)
3.3 – 37 (44%)
Retrospective Multiple cut-off
NLR < 1.8
1.8 ≤ NLR < 2.4
2.4 ≤ NLR < 3.3
NLR ≥ 3.3
OS Age
Clinical staging (I-III)
Noh et al., 2013; Korea 2000–2010 NLR < 2.5
(n ≤ 327);
NLR ≥ 2.5
(n = 115)
NR 5,9 ys 50 NLR < 2.5 – 43
NLR ≥ 2.5 – 16
2.5 – 17
2.5 – 15
Retrospective Multiple cut-off
NLR < 2.5
(n = 327);
NLR ≥ 2.5
(n = 115)
DFS Nodal status
Luminal A subtype
Forget et al., 2014; Belgium 2003–2008 720 Surgery 69,8 mo 56/60 36 37 Retrospective 3.3 ≤ NLR > 3.3 DFS; OS Tumour size
Dirican et al., 2014; Turkey 2006–2011 NLR < 1 – n = 60
1.0 ≤ NLR <
2.0 – n = 698
2.0 ≤ NLR <
3.0 – n = 458
3.0 ≤ NLR <
4.0 – n = 170
4.0 ≤ NLR <
5.0 – n = 65
Surgery and multiple-therapy 30 mo NR 90 Retrospective Multiple cut-off
1.0 ≤ NLR < 2.0
2.0 ≤ NLR< 3.0
3.0 ≤ NLR < 4.0
4.0 ≤ NLR < 5.0
OS; DFS Tumour depth (pT)
Nodal status
Clinical staging
Cihan et al., 2014; Turkey 2005–2010 NLR <
3n = 228
3.3n = 122
Surgery and multiple-therapy 5 ys 55,3 45 Retrospective 3.0 ≤ NLR ≥ 3.3 DFS; OS; PFS Histopathological diagnosis
Tumour stage
HER2 subtype
Nakano et al., 2014; Japan 2001–2011 NLR <
2.5n = 120
2.5 – n = 47
Surgery 85,8 mo 58,9/55,1 NLR < 2.5 – 15
NLR ≥ 2.5 – 14
NLR < 2.5 – 9
2.5 – 10
Retrospective 2,5 < NLR ≥ 3.3 DFS; OS Histological grade
Koh et al., 2014; Korea 2002–2010 NLR ≤ 2.25
n = 91
NLR > 2.25 –
n = 66
Surgery and multiple-therapy 21 mo 44 25 Retrospective Multiple cut-off
NLR ≤ 2.25
NLR > 2.25
DFS; OS Clinical staging (I–III)
Yao et al., 2014; China 2009–2011 NLR ≤ 2.57
n = 496
NLR > 2.57
n =
Surgery 5,9 ys 50 NR NR Retrospective 2.57 ≤ NLR > 2.57 DFS Nodal status
HER2 subtype
Pistelli et al., 2015;
2006–2012 NLR ≤
3n = 73
3n = 17
Surgery and multiple-therapy 53,8 mo 53 NLR ≤ 3 – 8
NLR > 3 – 5
NLR ≤ 3 – 4
NLR > 3 – 4
Retrospective NLR ≤ 3
NLR > 3
DFS; OS Age, menopausal status, tumour size, lymph
nodes status, Ki-67, necrosis and lymphovascular invasion
Koh et al., 2015;
2000–2008 NLR ≤
1.39 – n = 226
1.39 < NLR ≤
2n = 379
2 < NLR ≤
2.58n = 305
2.58 < NLR ≤
4 – n = 331
NLR ≥ 4n = 194
Surgery and multiple-therapy Patients were followed up
in the breast clinic (1 February
56/53/50/49/50 NLR ≤
1.39 – 15
1.39 < NLR ≤ 2 – 30
2 < NLR ≤
2.58 – 37
2.58 < NLR ≤ 4 – 54
NLR ≥ 4 – 61
1.39 – 75
1.39 <
NLR ≤ 2 – 135
2 < NLR ≤ 2.58 – 113
2.58 < NLR4 – 158
NLR ≥ 4 – 118
Retrospective Multiple cut-off
NLR ≤ 1.39
1.39 < NLR ≤ 2
2 < NLR ≤ 2.58
2.58 < NLR ≤ 4
NLR ≥ 4
OS Age; no. of positive lymph nodes;
metastasis; HER2 status
Ulas et al., 2015; Turkey 2009–2014 NLR <
2.38n = 119
2.38 – n = 68
Adjuvant transtuzumab 26 mo 51,4 NLR <
2.38 –15
2.38 – 11
Retrospective 2.38 < NLR > 2.38
DFS; OS No significant correlations between NLR and clinico-pathological factors.
Asano et al., 2015; Japan 2007–2013 NLR <
3n = 58
3 – n = 119
Preoperative chemotherapy 3.4 y 56 Retrospective NLR < 3
NLR > 3
DFS; OS Younger age;
premenopausal status;
pCR result;
TNBC phenotype
Hong et al., 2015; China 2009–2010 NLR <
1.93n = 298
1.93n = 189
Surgery 55 mo 55 48 5 Retrospective 1.93 < NLR > 1.93 DFS; OS TNBC
Jia et al., 2015; China 2000–2010 NLR >
2n = 804
2 – n = 766
Surgery and multiple-therapy 79 mo 47 242 108 Retrospective NLR > 2
NLR ≤ 2
DFS; OS Age, node status;
Suppan et al., 2015;
2001–2012 NLR= 4.97
NLR = 2.63
Surgery and multiple-therapy 123 mo 52 Retrospective NLR = 4.97
NLR = 2.63
(pN1; pN2 + pN3)
Bozkurt et al., 2015;
2002–2013 NLR ≤ 2 = 33
NLR > 2 = 52
Surgery and multiple-therapy 60 mo 50 Retrospective NLR > 2
NLR ≤ 2
DFS; OS Age, menopausal status, tumour size, lymph node status, grade, Ki-67.

Abbreviations: BMI: body-mass index; DFS: disease-free survival; ER: oestrogen receptor; Mo: months; OS: overall survival; PFS: progression-free survival; NLR: neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio; NR: not recorded; NSAIDs: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; Ys: years; pCR: pathological complete response; TNBC: triple-negative breast cancer.