Anatomy dictionary
Suffix “ary”
“Lobe” and following word shapes
“Lobe” and following words
“Chest” word stem
Noun-noun POS Tags and previous word belongs to anatomy
Prefix “bi”
Prefix “mid”
Prefix “bas”
Anatomy dictionary
Observation dictionary
“Changes” as the following word
Cardinal number-noun POS tags and the previous word belongs to observation
Proper noun POS tag
Prefix “nod”
Cardinal number-noun POS tags and the previous word belongs to observation modifier Cardinal number POS tag
Modifier dictionary
“normal” and the following words
Noun-noun POS tags and the previous word belongs to observation modifier
Adjective-proposition POS tags and the previous word belongs to uncertainty
Noun-proposition POS tags and the previous word belongs to uncertainty
Uncertainty dictionary
Combination of “can” and previous words
“Evidence” as the previous word