FIG. 5.
Characterization of tumors from Brca1S971A/S971A mice. (A) Soft-agar colony formation assay of three different clones (94A, 94B, and 94C) of V94 mammary tumor. (B) Tumorigenicity assay of mammary tumor cells in nude mice. Tumors (arrows) were observed 3 weeks after injection of 94A, 94B, and 94C. (C) Hematoxylin- and eosin-stained sections of original mammary tumor from V94 and three different tumors from injection of clones into nude mice. (D) Chromosome spreads from V94 and V296 tumors. (E) Microsatellite analysis of tumors of Brca1S971A/S971A mice. T and N represent the DNAs from tumor and normal tissue, respectively.