100,000 B6 Ly49H+ NK cells were transferred into syngeneic Ly49H-deficient B6 mice on the day before infection and then infected with 2.5–5 × 103 pfu MCMV. 100,000 B10.D2 Ly49H+ NK cells were transferred into syngeneic Ly49H-deficient B10.D2 mice that had been depleted of CD8+ T cells on the day before infection and then infected with 1–2.5 × 104 pfu MCMV.
(A) The percentages of donor Ly49H+ NK cells in the blood over the course of infection are shown.
(B) The percentages of donor Ly49H+ NK cell subsets expressing Ly49D and or Ly49A in the blood over the course of infection were represented as the ratio relative to the percentages of donor Ly49H+ NK cell subsets in the blood on day 0 (pre-infection). Data are pooled from two experiments (n = 6 or 7 in each group).
(C) Ly49H+ NK cell subsets expressing Ly49D and or Ly49A in the spleen on days 0, 10, and 29 pi. Data are representative of four experiments (n = 2–4 in each experiment).
*p < 0.05, **p < 0.005 versus day 0. Error bars show SEM.