Fig. 7.
GFP knock-in as a surrogate marker for GPR4 expression in GPR4 KO-DSS mouse colon and lymph tissues. To examine the expression of GPR4 in inflamed intestinal tissues, we performed IHC of GFP in GPR4 KO-DSS tissues. GFP expression could be visualized as brown signals in the intestinal microvascular endothelial cells, ex-mural blood vessels, mesenteric lymph node HEVs, and macrophages. Minimal GFP could be detected in lymphatic ECs. (A) Colonic GPR4 KO-DSS blood vessel, artery, and lymphatic vessel, (B) macrophages in inflamed lesions, (C) transverse fold ECs, (D) ex-mural blood vessels, (E) isolated lymphoid follicle vessels, and (F) mesenteric lymph node HEVs and histiocytes. No expression of GFP could be detected in WT-DSS control tissues (Supplementary Fig. S8). (A–E) 40× and (F) 63× microscope objectives. Red arrow heads indicate macrophages, yellow arrow heads indicate neutrophils, and green arrow heads indicates lymphocytes. Red arrows indicate blood vessels, yellow arrows indicate HEVs, and purple arrows indicate lymphatics.