(A) Relative number of primary tracheospheres formed by wild type (WT) or Keap1-deleted mouse tracheal epithelial cells (N=4).
(B) Relative number of secondary tracheospheres formed by WT or Keap1-deleted cells dissociated from primary tracheospheres (N=3).
(C) Relative number of primary tracheospheres formed by WT or Trp53-deleted mouse tracheal epithelial cells (N=3).
(D) Relative number of secondary tracheospheres formed by WT or Trp53-deleted cells dissociated from primary tracheospheres (N=3).
(E) Relative number of tracheospheres from wild type, Keap1−/−, Trp53−/−, and Keap1−/−;Trp53−/− tracheal epithelial cells. Data are presented as mean ± S.E.M. (N=5 for WT and Keap1−/−,N=3 for Trp53−/−, and N=4 for Keap1−/−;Trp53−/−). All data in (A–E) are presented as mean ± S.E.M. (* P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01).
(F) Brightfield images of tracheospheres initiated by WT, Keap1−/−, Trp53−/−, and Keap1−/−;Trp53−/− tracheal epithelial cells.
(G) H&E staining of wild type, Keap1−/−, Trp53−/− and Keap1−/−;Trp53−/− tracheospheres. All scale bars = 100 μm.