Table 1-4.
Checklist for descriptions of the Japanese Classification of Esophageal Cancer (endoscopically treated cases)
Macroscopic findings |
Tumor location: Ce, Ut, Mt, Lt, Ae |
Macroscopic tumor type: Type 0-I, Type 0-IIa, Type 0-IIb, Type 0-IIc, Type 0-III, combined type, others |
Size of specimen: length (mm), width (mm) |
Size of tumor: length (mm), width (mm) |
Resection: en bloc resection, piecemeal resection |
Piecemeal resection: number of specimens |
Horizontal margin: HMX, HM0, HM1 |
Vertical margin: VMX, VM0, VM1 |
Multiple lesions: present, absent |
Histological findings |
Histological type: squamous cell carcinoma, basaloid (-squamous) carcinoma, carcinosarcoma, adenocarcinoma, Barrett's adenocarcinoma, adenosquamous carcinoma, mucoepidermoid carcinoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma, neuroendocrine cell tumor, undifferentiated carcinoma, other carcinomas, non-epithelial malignant tumors, GIST, malignant melanoma |
Depth of tumor invasion: pTX, pT0, pT1a (EP, LPM, MM), T1b (SM1, SM2, SM3) |
Pattern of infiltration: INFa, INFb, INFc |
Lymphatic invasion: ly (−), ly (+) |
Venous invasion: v (−), v (+) |
Size of tumor: length (mm) × width (mm) |
Horizontal margin: pHMX, pHM0, pHM1 |
Vertical margin: pVMX, pVM0, pVM1 |
Residual tumor: pRX, pR0, pR1, pR2 |
Curativity: pCur A, pCur B, pCur C |