Humoral immune response (A) and glomerular IgG deposition (B and C) are not affected by diphtheria toxin (DT) or adoptive transfer of wild-type (WT) or A2AR knockout (KO) macrophages. Normal (Nl) versus Ctrl (anti–glomerular basement membrane glomerulonephritis), depleted macrophages with DT (Mac Depl), adoptive transfer of WT macrophages plus treated with A2AR agonist (AT WT Mac + Tx), and adoptive transfer of A2AR deficient macrophages plus treated with A2AR agonist (AT KO Mac + Tx). Immunofluorescence is expressed as arbitrary units. ∗P < 0.05. Scale bar = 200 μm (C). Original magnification, ×200 (C). Ms, mouse; Rb, rabbit.