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. 2016 Dec 27;2016:6267879. doi: 10.1155/2016/6267879

Table 5.

Mean (sd) values for pain, psychological, and mindfulness variables across time, using Intent-to-treat sample (N = 10).

Measure Preintervention (T1) Midintervention (T2) Postintervention (T3) Significance (p value)
BPI-SF-3 6.90 (3.14) 6.80 (2.66) 6.90 (2.81) ns
BPI-SF-4 4.50 (3.57) 3.60 (3.20) 2.70 (2.54) ns
BPI-SF-5 5.20 (3.49) 4.50 (2.95) 5.00 (2.91) ns
BPI-SF-6 6.80 (3.33) 5.30 (3.71) 4.60 (3.47) ns
BPI-9-SF-total 29.10 (21.27) 23.70 (16.40) 25.50 (17.82) ns
PCS-total 25.30 (15.62) 21.30 (14.77) 19.30 (12.19) .099
PCS-helplessness 11.40 (8.58) 9.20 (8.20) 8.70 (6.45) ns
PCS-magnification 4.50 (3.72) 2.70 (3.74) 2.40 (2.59) .047b
PCS-rumination 9.40 (5.06) 9.60 (4.70) 8.20 (4.98) ns
PSS 20.20 (7.83) 19.00 (8.27) 15.70 (8.17) ns
IEQ-total 23.50 (7.11) 20.10 (9.55) 21.10 (11.49) ns
IEQ-blame/unfairness 10.20 (4.13) 8.10 (4.46) 8.60 (6.10) ns
IEQ-severity/irreparability 13.30 (4.35) 12.00 (5.91) 12.50 (6.00) ns
HADS-A 9.00 (5.64) 7.70 (5.19) 6.50 (4.38) .022
HADS-D 6.70 (4.99) 5.70 (3.83) 5.80 (4.05) ns
FFMQ-SF-total 84.40 (7.66) 86.60 (10.05) 87.40 (12.40) ns
FFMQ-SF-observing 15.70 (2.16) 16.80 (2.20) 16.80 (2.15) ns
FFMQ-SF-describing 19.50 (2.64) 19.10 (3.87) 19.10 (4.09) ns
FFMQ-SF-acting with awareness 18.10 (1.79) 19.60 (3.06) 18.60 (4.20) ns
FFMQ-SF-nonjudging 16.90 (4.18) 16.70 (4.37) 17.10 (5.02) ns
FFMQ-SF-nonreactivity 14.20 (2.20) 14.40 (3.10) 15.80 (4.87) ns
SCS-SF 3.28 (0.77) 3.57 (0.63) 3.44 (0.58) .047a
FACIT-SpWB-total 33.80 (8.13) 35.00 (9.01) 36.00 (7.45) ns
FACIT-SpWB-faith 11.80 (4.57) 11.00 (5.29) 12.00 (5.29) ns
FACIT-SpWB-meaning 12.70 (2.45) 13.50 (2.84) 12.70 (2.16) ns
FACIT-SpWB-peace 9.30 (3.62) 10.50 (2.55) 11.30 (2.50) ns

Note. Greenhouse-Geisser adjusted F-tests for significant main effects of time were conducted for SCS-SF.

Note. BPI-SF: Brief Pain Inventory-Short Form, PCS: Pain Catastrophizing Scale, PSS: Perceived Stress Scale-10 Items, IEQ: Injustice Experiences Questionnaire, HADS-A: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-Anxiety, HADS-D: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-Depression, FFMQ-SF: Five-Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire-Short Form, SCS-SF: Self-Compassion Scale-Short Form, FACIT-SpWB: Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual Wellbeing.

Note. a p < 0.1 for T1 versus T2; b p < 0.1 for T1 versus T3.