Fig. 2.
HPLC and GLC Chromatograms of phenolic acid and carbohydrate composition of selected wheat bran varieties. Conditions used for phenolic acid: λ; 280 nm, mobile phase; water: methanol: acetic acid (80:18:2), isocratic, flow rate; 1 mL/min. Standards of various phenolic acids; GA, PC, CA, VA, pCA, FA and CiA were used for the identification of phenolic acids (a Std Mix, b UAS304, c DWR162). Carbohydrate composition of samples (10 mg) hydrolyzed with 72% H2SO4, neutralized and deionized with barium carbonate and Amberlite IR 120 resin, respectively. Sodium borohydride (20–30 mg), dry and distilled acetic anhydride and pyridine (0.5 mL each) were used for reduction and acetylation reactions for sugars followed by alditol acetate extracted using chloroform and dried under nitrogen gas. Before injection, the sample was diluted with known volume of chloroform and injected (1 μL). Conditions: Capillary column Rtx-2330 (30 m × 0.32 mm i.d × 0.2 µm thickness). Temperature program: 175 °C (2 min), 8 °C/min↑, 240 °C(1 min), 8 °C/min↑, 265 °C (12 min). Injector temp 275 °C, Detector Temp 275 °C, Nitrogen flow mL/min, Standard alditol acetate containing (Peaks 1. Rha, 2. Ara, 3. Xyl, 4. Man, 5. Gal and 6. Glu.). (d Std Mix, e DDK1029, f UAS428)