Fig. 2.
Cells in high grade glioma expressing P2RY12 in the nuclei are not recruited cells of myeloid origin, but resident microglia. a: Confocal images showing P2RY12 and CD45 signals in A II, AA and GBM. No overlap between these two markers was observed in any of the gliomas (scale bar: 50 μm). b: Confocal images showing CD68 and CD45 signals in AA (scale bars: left image; 50 μm, right panel; 20 μm). c: Confocal images of triple staining for CD68, P2RY12 and CD45 in AA. Left image: Merged overview of triple staining (scale bar: 50 μm). Right image: Merged high magnification of a P2RY12 positive cell (scale bar: 10 μm). d: Panel of single channel images of a P2RY12 positive cell in AA (scale bar: 10 μm). e: Confocal images showing CD68 and CD45 staining in GBM (scale bar: left image; 50 μm, right panel; 20 μm). f: Confocal images showing triple staining for CD68, P2RY12 and CD45 in GBM. Left panel: Merged overview of triple staining (scale bar: 50 μm). Right panel: Merged higher magnification view of P2RY12 positive cells (scale bar: 10 μm). g: Panel of high magnification single channel images of P2RY12 positive cells in GBM (scale bar: 10 μm)