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. 2017 Jan 10;10:2. doi: 10.1186/s13072-016-0109-x

Table 4.

Mouse histone variants with poor annotation status in the UniProtKB database

Names Accession number Protein status Method of detection References
This study (number of identified peptides) Other MS-based studies Not MS-based studies
H1.0 (H1°) P10922 Transcript Yes (5) Yes RT-PCR; WB [128]
TS H1.7 (H1T2, HANP1) Q8CJI4 Transcript Yes (6) NB; WB [55]
OO H1.8 (H1oo) Q8VIK3 Transcript WB [59, 60, 129]
H1.11 F7DCP6 Inferred
Macro-H2A.3 Q9D3V6 Transcript
H2A.L.1 gene: H2al1b A0A087WP11 Inferred Yes (1)
H2A.L.1 gene: H2al1j A2BFR3 Inferred
H2A.L.1 gene: H2al1 k J3QP08 Inferred
H2A.L.1 gene: H2al1 m Q9DAD9 Transcript
H2A.L.1 gene: H2al1n Q497L1 Transcript Yes (2)
H2A.L.1 gene: H2al1o L7MU04 Inferred
H2A.L.2 (H2A.B1,H2A.Lap3) Q9CQ70 Transcript Yes (3) Yes RT-PCR; NB; WB [38, 39, 125]
Y-chr H2A.L.3 A9Z055 Transcript RT-PCR [98]
H2A.P (H2A.L3,H2A.Lap4,) Q9CR04 Inferred RT-PCR [38, 39]
H2A.B.2 S4R1M3 Inferred RT-PCR; WB [40, 99]
H2A.B.3 gene: H2afb3 S4R1G7 Inferred RT-PCR; WB [40, 99]
H2A.B.3 (H2A.Lap1) gene: GM14920 S4R1E0 Inferred RT-PCR; WB [39, 40, 99]
H2B.L.2 Q9DAB5 Transcript Yes (4) Yes RT-PCR; WB [38]
H3.3 gene: GM6421 EDL18362.1 Predicted Yes (1) Yes RT-PCR [103]
H3.3 gene: GM10257 XP_003084990.1 Record removed Yes (1) RT-PCR [103]
CENPA-cenH3 O35216 Transcript Yes qPCR; WB [126, 127]
H3.5 P02301 Inferred RT-PCR
TS H3.4 (H3t) NP_001304932.1 Predicted Yes RT-PCR [103]

The “protein status” was retrieved from UniProtKB: “Evidence at transcript level” (noted “Transcript”) or “Inferred from homology” (noted “Inferred”, update of July 2016). Three variants are predicted in NCBI database and are absent in UniProtKB. Information about the detection of some variants at the mRNA level (e.g. by RT-PCR) or at the protein level (e.g. by WB or MS) was further completed with publications and compared to the MS identification results obtained in the present study

NB northern blot, WB western blot, MS mass spectrometry