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. 2017 Jan 10;17:53. doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-3922-z

Table 1.

Operational definition and categorisation of selected explanatory variables for both NDHS 2006 and NDHS 2011

Variables Definitions and category
Community level factors
Development regions (Administrative) Developmental regions (1 = Far-Western; 2 = Mid-Western; 3 = Western; 4 = Central; 5 = Eastern)
Ecological regions Ecologically defined area. Division according to ecological zone (3 = Mountain; 2 = Hill; 1 = Terai)
Residence Residence type (1 = Urban; 2 = Rural)
Antenatal care visits in the cluster Any antenatal care service received by mother during pregnancy (0 = Yes; 1 = No)
Delivery assisted by trained health workers in the cluster Birth assistance during delivery in the cluster (0 = Yes/Some; 1 = No/None)
Postnatal check-up/care received by mothers in the cluster Postnatal check-up by mothers after delivery (0 = Yes; 1 = No)
Socio economic factors
Maternal education Maternal formal years of schooling/education (0 = No education; 1 = primary; 2 = secondary; 3 = Higher)
Paternal education Father’s formal years of schooling/education (0 = No education; 1 = primary; 2 = secondary; 4 = Higher)
Religion Religion of parents (1 = Hindu; 2 = Buddhist; 3 = Muslim; 4 = Christian/Kirat/other)
Maternal literacy Mother’s literacy level (1 = able to read whole sentence or only parts; 2 = unable to read at all)
Paternal occupation Father’s employment status (0 = Unemployed; 1 = Employed; 2 = Don’t know)
Maternal occupation Mother’s employment status (0 = Unemployed; 1 = employed)
Wealth index Household index of amenities/families economic status (1 = Poorest; 2 = Poorer; 3 = Middle; 4 = Richer; 5 = Richest)
Biomass use (cooking fuel) Types of cooking fuel used in the family (1 = relatively non-polluting; 2 = relatively high polluting)
Proximate determinants
Mother’s age at child birth Maternal age at childbirth as categorical variable (1 = ≤16 years; 2 = 17–21 years; 3 = ≥22 years)
Mother’s age at marriage Maternal age at first marriage as categorical variable (1 = ≤16 years; 2 = 17–21 years; 3 = ≥22 years)
Maternal Marital Status Maternal marital status (0 = never married; 1 = Currently married; 2 = Widowed; 3 = Divorced/Separated)
Decision making on own health care need Decision making capacity of mothers on her own health care needs (1 = Respondent alone; 2 = Respondent and husband/partner/other; 3 = Husband/partner alone; 4 = Someone else)
Decision making capacity on money expenditure Decision making capacity of mothers on money expenditure. (1 = Respondent alone; 2 = Respondent and husband/partner/other; 3 = Husband/partner alone; 4 = Someone else)
Maternal BMI (kg/m2) Maternal BMI as per WHO classification (1 = Underweight (<18.50); 2 = Normal range (18.50–24.99); 3 = Overweight/Obese- at risk (>25.0)
aMaternal BMI Asian (1 = Underweight (<18.49); 2 = Normal range (18.5–24.99); 3 = Overweight/Obese- at risk (>25.0)
Sex of child Sex of infant (0 = Male; 1 = Female)
Birth order/rank Birth rank of infant as a categorical variable (1 = 1st birth rank; 2 = 2nd or 3rd birth rank; 3 = ≥4th birth rank)
Birth interval Succeeding birth interval (0 = ≤24 months; 1= > 24 months)
Preceding birth interval (0 = ≤24 months; 1= > 24 months)
Baby’s size at birth (Birth size defined by baby’s birth weight) Subjective assessment of the respondent on the baby’s birth size (1 = very large/larger than average (>3000 g); 2 = average (2500 to 3000 gm); 3 = very small/smaller than average (<2500 g))
Place of delivery Delivery place (0 = Home; 1 = Health Facility)
Mode of delivery Mode of delivery (1 = Non-caesarean section/Normal/vaginal; 2 = caesarean section)
Delivery assistant by Type of delivery assistance (1 = Professionals (Doctors, Nurses and Midwives; 2-Traditional births attendants (TBAs); 3 = combined; 4 = No assistance)
Currently Breastfeeding Breastfeeding status during the time of interview (1 = yes; 2 = No)

aMaternal BMI Asian was used in this study