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. 2017 Jan 9;7(1):e012818. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012818

Table 1.

Characteristics of patients initiating ACE inhibitors or ARBs in the UK primary care during 2004–2014, by monitoring groups

  Serum creatinine monitoring*
No baseline or follow-up tests Baseline test only Follow-up test only Baseline and follow-up tests
Total number 21 411 (100) 63 359 (100) 33 185 (100) 105 859 (100) 223 814 (100)
Female sex 8882 (41) 27 722 (44) 14 570 (44) 49 109 (46) 100 283 (45)
Age (years)
 <50 5019 (23) 13 697 (22) 8732 (26) 19 910 (19) 47 358 (21)
 50–59 5485 (26) 15 135 (24) 9115 (27) 24 866 (23) 54 601 (24)
 60–69 4863 (23) 15 586 (25) 7776 (23) 27 790 (26) 56 015 (25)
 70–79 3579 (17) 12 193 (19) 5066 (15) 22 152 (21) 42 990 (19)
 80+ 2465 (12) 6748 (11) 2496 (8) 11 141 (11) 22 850 (10)
Calendar period
 2004–2008 14 814 (69) 40 667 (64) 19 808 (60) 60 902 (58) 136 191 (61)
 2009–2014 6597 (31) 22 692 (36) 13 377 (40) 44 957 (42) 87 623 (39)
SES quintiles
 1 (low) 5153 (24) 15 290 (24) 8533 (26) 25 577 (24) 54 553 (24)
 2 4725 (22) 14 331 (23) 7887 (24) 24 851 (23) 51 794 (23)
 3 4341 (20) 13 028 (21) 6890 (21) 22 629 (21) 46 888 (21)
 4 4254 (20) 12 140 (19) 5931 (18) 19 318 (18) 41 643 (19)
 5 (high) 2925 (14) 8508 (13) 3898 (12) 13 359 (13) 28 690 (13)
Missing 13 (0) 62 (0) 46 (0) 125 (0) 246 (0)
Smoking status
 Never 7860 (37) 22 496 (36) 12 229 (37) 36 895 (35) 79 480 (36)
 Ever 13 433 (63) 40 797 (64) 20 915 (63) 68 939 (65) 144 084 (64)
Missing 118 (1) 66 (0) 41 (0) 25 (0) 250 (0)
Alcohol intake
 No use 2556 (12) 7819 (12) 3409 (10) 11 088 (10) 24 872 (11)
 Current 15 495 (72) 47 322 (75) 25 656 (77) 82 870 (78) 171 343 (77)
 Former 1328 (6) 4499 (7) 1933 (6) 7490 (7) 15 250 (7)
Missing 2032 (9) 3719 (6) 2187 (7) 4411 (4) 12 349 (6)
BMI groups
 Underweight 282 (1) 700 (1) 304 (1) 1008 (1) 2294 (1)
 Healthy weight 5666 (26) 15 406 (24) 8089 (24) 24 972 (24) 54 133 (24)
 Overweight 7677 (36) 23 755 (37) 12 484 (38) 40 556 (38) 84 472 (38)
 Obesity 6009 (28) 20 660 (33) 10 527 (32) 35 887 (34) 73 083 (33)
Missing 1777 (8) 2838 (4) 1781 (5) 3436 (3) 9832 (4)
 Stage ≤2 (≥60) 10 326 (48) 53 773 (85) 19 470 (59) 87 484 (83) 171 053 (76)
 Stage 3a (45–59) 1137 (5) 7382 (12) 1766 (5) 13 913 (13) 24 198 (11)
 Stage 3b (30–44) 217 (1) 1885 (3) 265 (1) 3854 (4) 6221 (3)
 Stage 4 (15–29) 24 (0) 319 (1) 29 (0) 608 (1) 980 (0)
Not measured 9707 (45) 0 (0) 11 655 (35) 0 (0) 21 362 (10)
CV comorbidities‡
 Heart failure 1568 (7) 3270 (5) 1386 (4) 4583 (4) 10 807 (5)
 Myocardial infarction 3881 (18) 4653 (7) 3203 (10) 4620 (4) 16 357 (7)
 Hypertension 13 023 (61) 44 273 (70) 24 195 (73) 80 946 (76) 162 437 (73)
 Peripheral arterial disease 471 (2) 1590 (3) 523 (2) 2547 (2) 5131 (2)
 Arrhythmia 2057 (10) 4973 (8) 2000 (6) 7123 (7) 16 153 (7)
Diabetes mellitus 1399 (7) 13 586 (21) 1992 (6) 21 548 (20) 38 525 (17)

*Monitoring groups based on baseline (within 12 months before) and follow-up (within 2 months after) serum creatinine monitoring.

†Calculated from most recent creatinine measurement within 12 months before the first prescription date.

‡Diagnosis ever registered before ACE/ARB initiation in CRPD or HES.

ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; BMI, body mass index; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CV, cardiovascular; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; HES, Hospital Episode Statistics; SES, socioeconomic status.