Domain organization and structure of Brr2 in complex with the Prp8 Jab1 domain. (A) Domain organization of the NTR and NC; the CC has the same domain organization as the NC and is not depicted in detail. (B) Diametric view of a full-length yeast Brr2-Jab1 complex (PDB ID 5M52).56 The NTR and the Jab1 domain are highlighted by semi-transparent surfaces. NTR, magenta; RecA1, light gray; RecA2, dark gray; WH, black; HB, blue; HLH, red; IG, green; CC, beige; Jab1, gold. (C) Accommodation of the U4/U6 di-snRNA substrate by Brr2 as seen in a yeast tri-snRNP structure (PDB ID 5GAO).12 Color coding as in (B). The rotation symbol indicates the orientation relative to (B), left panel. (D) Interactions involving the E890 residue of human Brr2 (equivalent to E909 in yeast Brr2) in a crystal structure with ADP bound at the NC (PDB ID 4F93).51 Dashed lines, hydrogen bonds or salt bridges. The rotation symbol indicates the orientation relative to (C).