Table 2.
Items | Factor loadings |
Needs structure and supervision to stay on task and | 0.81 |
behave well | |
Completes homework and assignments on time | 0.80 |
Focuses and stays on task in class | 0.79 |
Gets easily distracted by other kids | 0.78 |
Follows classroom rules | 0.78 |
Behaves well at school | 0.76 |
Gets grades appropriate for his or her skills | 0.74 |
Cooperates with adults | 0.73 |
Avoids tasks that seem difficult or challenging | 0.70 |
Spends time with students who break school rules | 0.62 |
Has good relationships with other students | 0.60 |
Gets depressed, anxious, or irritable | 0.58 |
Likes attending school | 0.55 |
Shows up on time to school, other activities | 0.39 |
Note. Factor structure is based on a random split sample size of 448. PFS-SaNA = Positive Family Support–Strengths and Needs Assessment.