Fig. 6.
Expression of PHA-4/FoxA transcription factor is maintained in ectopic intestinal cells. (A-B’) pha-4 reporter expression in six embryos before (A, A’) and 20 h after ectopic ELT-7 expression (B, B’). (C–C’) pha-4::GFP expression in L4 stage worm (approximately 600 µM in length). Expression is visible in the pharynx, intestine, and developing proximal gonad (yellow marker). (C”–C”) Magnification of C showing strong pha-4 expression in the proximal gonad (white arrow, developing vulva). (D–D”’) pha-4::GFP expression in an adult worm. (D”–D’”) Magnification of D showing absence of pha-4 reporter expression in the proximal gonad (yellow arrow, adult vulva). (E–E’”) pha-4 reporter expression in an adult worm 48 h after ectopic ELT-7 expression at the L4 stage (yellow marker is proximal gonad). (E’-E’”) Magnification of E showing maintained pha-4::GFP expression in the proximal gonad of a worm with a fully developed vulva (yellow arrow, n=49, scale bar; 25 µm).