Table 3.
Cellular effects of GABA on SCN neurons.
Paper | LD cycle |
Technique | Tissue preparation | GABA administration | Effects on SCN neurons |
Shibata et al. (1983) PMID 6633950 |
12:12 | Extracellular single unit recording |
Slice preparation; PD11 and adult rats |
GABA (iontophoresis) | GABA inhibited 97% of neurons examined. All recordings done during the day |
Shibata et al. (1983) PMID 6668768 |
12:12 | Extracellular single unit recording |
Slice preparation; rats | GABA (iontophoresis) | GABA inhibited 90% and 4% were excited/inhibited; no differences in GABA effects in ventral versus dorsal SCN. All recordings done during the day |
Mason (1986) PMID 3795084 |
12:12 | Extracellular single-unit recording |
Urethane anesthetized rats |
GABA (iontophoresis) | No day-night variation in the inhibitory effects of GABA; the inhibitory effects of GABA were reduced in rats housed in constant light |
Liou et al. (1990) PMID 1976421 |
12:12 | Extracellular single unit recording |
Slice preparation; rats | GABA (bath application) | Overall GABA inhibited 65% and excited 12%; 61% of neurons in the ventral SCN were inhibited and 69% of neurons in the dorsal SCN were inhibited |
Liou and Albers (1990) PMID 2207720 |
14:10 | Extracellular single unit recording |
Slice preparation; hamsters |
GABA (bath application) | GABA inhibited 55% and excited 7%; no differences between ventral and dorsal SCN; GABA altered firing in 48% of neurons during the day and 66% at night |
Mason et al. (1991) PMID 1913180 |
12:12 | Extracellular single unit recordings |
Slice preparation; hamsters |
GABA (iontophoresis) | GABA inhibited 92% with no effect in 8%; GABA inhibited firing in 98% during the day and 89% at night |
Bos and Mirmiran (1993) PMID 8095843 |
Not noted |
Extracellular single unit recordings |
Cultured organotypic SCN slices prepared from PD12 rats |
GABA (iontophoresis) | GABA inhibited 91% |
Kawahara et al. (1993) PMID 8247331 |
Not noted |
Whole-cell voltage- clamp |
Dissociated culture of SCN neurons; PD21 rats |
GABA (bath application) | GABA elicited inward currents in all neurons tested at a holding potential of −60 mV |
Kawahara et al. (1994) PMID 7965836 |
Not noted |
Whole-cell voltage- clamp |
Dissociated culture of SCN neurons; PD23–28 rats |
GABA (bath application) | GABA elicited inward currents in all neurons tested at a holding potential of −60 mV |
Obrietan and van den Pol (1995) PMID 7623135 |
Not noted |
Fura-2 Ca2+imaging | Dissociated culture of SCN neurons; ED18 rats |
GABA (bath application) | GABA elevated Ca2+in embryonic SCN neurons |
Obrietan and van den Pol (1996) PMID 8627385 |
Not noted |
Fura-2 Ca2+imaging | Dissociated culture of SCN neurons; organotypic SCN cultures; ED19–21 rats |
GABA (bath application) | GABA elevated Ca2+in embryonic SCN neurons maintained in dissociated and organotypic cultures |
Shimura et al. (1996) PMID 8764156 |
12:12 | Voltage-clamp condition of nystatin- perforated patch clamp recordings |
Dissociated culture of SCN neurons; PD11–14 rats |
GABA (bath application) | GABA induced inward currents at a holding potential of −40 mV |
Wagner et al. (1997) PMID 9177347 |
12:12 | Extracellular single unit recordings; whole cell patch clamp recordings |
Slice preparation; PD21– 56 rats |
GABA (bath application) | During the day GABA excited 71%, inhibited 16% and had no effect on 13%; during the night GABA excited 32%, inhibited 56% and had no effect on 12%; GABA increased the membrane conductance up to nine-fold throughout the day |
Gribkoff et al. (1999) PMID 10194649 |
12:12 | Multiple unit recordings; whole cell patch clamp recordings |
Slice preparation; rats | GABA (bath application or pressure applied with a Picospritzer) |
Multiple unit recordings found GABA inhibited firing during the day and night. In cell attached recordings during the day GABA inhibited nearly all action currents |
Liu and Reppert (2000) PMID 10707977 |
12:12 | Extracellular single unit recordings |
Dissociated culture of SCN neurons; PD0–3 mice |
GABA (bath application) | One or 6 h administration of GABA completely inhibited the firing rate of all neurons at all phases of the circadian cycle. One or 6 h of GABA treatment yielded patterns of phase shifts similar to each other. GABA produced maximal phase delays of 10 h and phase advances of 6 h |
Wagner et al. (2001) PMID 11744760 |
12:12 | Whole cell patch clamp recordings |
Slice preparation; PD14– 28 rats |
GABA (bath application and locally from a patch pipette using pressure injection) |
Currents induced by GABA are carried by both chloride and bicarbonate ions; lack slow desensitization processes and are moderately voltage dependent; there are two independent mechanisms regulating chloride – one accumulating intracellular Ca2+and one removing; the mechanism reintroducing Ca2+is less efficient at night |
De Jeu and Pennartz (2002) PMID 11826050 |
12:12 | Gramicidin-perforated- patch clamp recordings |
Slice preparation; rats | GABA (bath application) | During the day GABA produced hyperpolarization in 10/11 neurons. During the night GABA produced hyperpolarization in 7/12 and depolarization in 5/12 |
Shimura et al. (2002) PMID 11788348 |
12:12 | Gramicidin- or nystatin- perforated-patch clamp recordings |
Dissociated culture of SCN neurons; PD11,12 rats |
GABA (bath application) | GABA induced an inward current at a holding potential of −40 mV |
Gribkoff et al. (2003) PMID 12750413 |
12:12 | Multiple unit recordings | Slice preparation; rats | GABA (bath application) | GABA produced exclusively inhibitory responses with no differences between day and night. Continuous administration of GABA inhibited firing rate for more than 1 h |
Choi et al. (2008) PMID 18495878 |
12:12 | Extracellular single unit and gramicidin- perforated-patch clamp recordings |
Slice preparation; PD30– 40 rats |
GABA (bath application) | Over the entire circadian cycle, GABA inhibited 72%, excited 15% and produced excitation followed by inhibition in 13%; GABA excitation present in ventral and dorsal SCN, excitatory responses most common in dorsal SCN at night. GABA increased Ca2+in 40% of neurons sampled during both the day and night |
Irwin and Allen (2009) PMID 19821838 |
12:12 | Fura-2 Ca2+imaging | Slice preparation; PD28– 42 rats |
GABA (bath application) | GABA increases Ca2+in some neurons, decreases Ca2+in others and has no effect in still others. More neurons in which GABA increased Ca2+and fewer neurons in which GABA reduced Ca2+were found at night than during the day. GABA increased Ca2+more in neurons in the dorsal than the ventral SCN |
Moldavan and Allen (2013) PMID 23401614 |
12:12 | Whole cell patch clamp | Slice preparation prepared during the light period; rats |
GABA (bath application) | GABA decreased EPSCs evoked by optic nerve stimulation in bicuculline or picrotoxin treated slices |
Farajnia et al. (2014) PMID 24979761 |
8:16 12:12 16:8 |
Fura-2 Ca2+imaging | Slice preparation; PD56– 112 mice |
GABA (focal application) | In LD 16:8 GABA increased Ca2+in 40% of neurons and decreased Ca2+in 36%; in LD 12:12 GABA increased Ca2+ in 32% and decreased Ca2+in 43%; in LD 8:16 GABA increased Ca2+in 28% of neurons and decreased Ca2+in 52%; no differences were observed between ventral and dorsal SCN |
Notes: LD cycle refers to animal housing prior to tissue preparation; day and night refer to subjective day and night; whole cell voltage clamp recordings clamp the intracellular chloride concentrations making determination of the nature (excitatory or inhibitory) of spontaneous synaptic events difficult. Postnatal day (PD), embryonic day (ED), calcium (Ca2+), inhibitory postsynaptic current (IPSC), Pubmed identification number (PMID).