Fig. 2.
a PCBs inhibit telomerase activity of primary-cultured lymphocytes. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from healthy donor (blood group is 0 RhD negative) were stimulated with tetanus toxoid for 5 days, reseeded and incubated in the presence of antigen- and PCB-containing plasma samples (n = 9) of exposed workers or control plasma samples (n = 9) for 48 h. PCB-containing plasma samples were selected based on high concentrations of PCB-28. b Structural formula of PCB-28 and 3-OH-CB28. c GC/MS chromatogram of PCB-28 (m/z 256 as quantifier and 258 as qualifier) in a plasma sample of exposed workers used in A. d LC–MS/MS chromatogram of 3-OH-CB28 and its internal standard in the same plasma samples as used in c. Statistically significant differences are indicated (***p < 0.001)